Alternative Dispute Resolution in Australia

Alternative Dispute Resolution in Australia

February 12, 2023

ADR stands for Alternative Dispute Resolution in Australia, and an ADR practitioner is a trained and accredited individual who facilitates the resolution of disputes between parties. In the context of family law, ADR practitioners in Australia include family dispute resolution practitioners (FDRP), who specialise in helping separating parents or parties with parental responsibility to resolve … Read More

Parenting Plans for the Australian Family Court

Parenting Plans for the Australian Family Court

February 9, 2023

Parenting Plans for the Australian Family Court are a written agreement between parents (or other parties with parental responsibility) about arrangements for the care of their children. It sets out the living arrangements, communication, and decision-making responsibilities for each parent, as well as any other specific arrangements relevant to the children’s best interests. Parenting plans are … Read More

Qualify as a Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner in 2023

Qualify as a Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner in 2023

February 7, 2023

Qualify as a Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner in 2023. Now is the time to enrol for 2023 qualifications as a Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner. This qualification is required to sign off on the 60i certificate for the Family Court of Australia. Make a commitment to improve your career now! Work from home or take advantage of one … Read More

Lucrative Family Dispute Mediation Career

Lucrative Family Dispute Mediation Career

February 6, 2023

Family Dispute Resolution (FDR) is a process in Australia for resolving disputes between separated or divorcing couples, typically regarding issues such as child custody and property settlement. FDR is designed to be a constructive, non-confrontational approach to resolving disputes and is encouraged as a first step before going to court. FDR can be conducted through … Read More

Demand for FDR Practitioners continues to grow

Demand for FDR Practitioners continues to grow

February 7, 2022

Demand for FDR Practitioners continues to grow as the Australian Family Court’s requirement for family mediation sees higher demand. Click Here to see current FDR career opportunities and jobs on offer. Genuine Steps Certificate In addition to the requirement to comply with section 60I of the Family Law Act and file a certificate or seek … Read More

Use the coming holiday time to qualify with the AG as a Family Mediator

Use the coming holiday time to qualify with the AG as a Family Mediator

November 25, 2021

2021-2022 places are filling quickly for those who want to qualify as a Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner. Pre-requisites (Bachelor in Psychology, Law, Social Work or Nationally Accredited Mediator) are required for direct enrolment in the Post Graduate Diploma; however, pathways are available for all. Click Here to be taken to FDR course info…     The Australian Family … Read More